Saturday, August 23, 2014

ALS Cold Water Challenge.... Calling out Ellen DeGeneres, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird!

August 22, 2014  

Okay, first off, please excuse my potty mouth at the end of this video. Stay with me for the background story....

Mark Brown was challenged to do the ALS Cold Water Challenge by Mike Moylan and Deana Brown-Hood. He challenges Mike Bates (Beth, you'll have to let him know), Christopher Walls and me (lovely).

MY challenge was going to be a funny little NOT wet dumpage of 100 $1 bills that we were going to dump on me instead, and donate the full $100 (which we're still doing).
That is, until my Asshat husband had a change of plans and made Jacob his accomplice....

By the way, I challenge Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Ellen DeGeneres #magicjohnson, #larrybird and #ellendegeneres.

Gretchen Balzer-Moylan, tell Mike I need his help with this one ;)

Going for the boy look...

August 17, 2014  

Mark convinced me to ditch the do-rag. I'm freezing!!!
No wonder it takes so long to grow out your bangs... Apparently that's the last to come in??
— with Mark Brown.

Komen WALK (and I stress 'walk')

August 16, 2014  

Come walk with us! October 4th. Or run.... 

Like I said, there's no running for me, that is, unless Mark Wahlberg is there and I'm chasing him down. 

Click here! 

Susan G Komen Mid-Missouri® Logo

It always comes back to poop....

July 31, 2014  

You have NO idea......



Holy crap those drugs did a number!

July 31, 2014  

So... Next day, and I'm getting flashbacks of things I vaguely remember from yesterday. Let me put my disclaimer out there first.... I was on Fentanyl.

1. When I was woken up after the first surgery, the nurse first told me where I was and then explained that I was waking up. Then she told me (keep in mind, still groggy and everyone sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher), "Dr. Suppes was able to put your new port in, but had problems with removing the first port line. So, we're going to wah-wah-wha-wha radiology wha-wha with the old port line. Then it's going in your groin wha-wha-wha chemo port."

2. I fell back asleep again, woke back up and asked the nurse if she told me that she said the port was in, and the line was going back in but the chemo would go to my crotch?? All I heard was "groin" and "chemo". Thankfully (again, I love all nurses now) she giggled and clarified. Whew. That's all I need... Hoo-Hoo Cancer on top of it.

3. The 2nd surgeon who was prepping me to go run a line in thru my groin, "covered" the other side of the "very near groin area" (you get what I mean) with some sticky bandage stuff and I asked him if this was my "Free Wax". WTF, Moya... Even that's a bit odd for ME to ask.

4. The 2nd surgeon kept telling me to take deep breaths once in a while so he could see something on the screens better. Then he'd say, "Okay, you can breathe again. That was a good breath." Once, he told me to take another deep breath and hold it again.... I swear I think 18 minutes went by.... (Okay, maybe a minute). I exhaled like I was a Navy Diver and said, "Holy shit, dude... I can't hold my breath that long!!" He quickly and apologetically said, "Oh, oops! Breathe anytime! Don't wait for me. Sorry.... But that was a good breath." Well, duh... I was purple by then.

5. I KNOW my husband when it comes to his family. Mark was so freaked out. I kept asking the nurse to please feed my husband some Jelly Belly candies or Hot Tamales (since I knew he wouldn't leave the waiting room to get food in case he missed something) and update him every 30 minutes or he'll be that crazy worried husband rushing his way into the surgical room to find me and demand an update and get arrested like you see on TV. They were so sweet and got him food and nobody got arrested.

6. I remember now that I was trying to impress the main surgeon who was fishing thru my jugular vein, by telling him that "It is absolutely contraindicated to administer Heparin in a patient who presents with a subdural hematoma." He agreed. However, it had absolutely nothing to do with my surgery. I just remember learning that when I was on a jury for a medical malpractice suit 7 years ago.

7. My sweet recovery nurse, Kate, asked me what kind of cancer I had. I said prostate. She laughed... Then said that's what her dad had. I'm an asshole.

8. I told everyone who worked at Boone Hospital that they had issues with some of their drop ceiling tiles. Keep in mind that's all I stared at for like 8 hours. Looked like there might be some stains from leaking at some point and they should have them replaced and watch for leaky pipes. I guess you can take the hotel regional manager out of the hotel, but...

That's all that's coming to me right now.. I'm sure there will be more :)

Bed pans.... not for women.

July 29, 2014  

Well that freakin' sucked. So much for quick little procedure. At least I got to whiz in a bed pan twice... And all over myself. Some WOMAN needs to invent one for a hoo-hoo. 

Thank you so much for ALL the prayers. 

I even got my spider back! And they labeled it haha
— at Boone Hospital Center.

Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers. God is so great. And so are all of the very skilled and specialized doctors/surgeons who are able to jump right in and perform urgent type procedures at any moment.

My new vow: I will never complain about a doctor running way behind or canceling appointments for cases that need immediate attention, or really, for any reason. I have a few doctors that care for my family that spend so much time with us and I am so grateful.

Also, if I'm ever President, I will make it mandatory that nurses earn WAY more money and respect than they do.

I whizzed in a bed "pan". Really? No... Let's just say the "pan" was physically there.... But after I did my "bidness", those wonderful angels did that "let's just roll you over to one side, stiff as a board to my other nurse friend who needs a raise, and I'll stuff a nice clean, dry sheet under you and you can roll back over again..." And be dry.

So in other news, I know waaaayyyy more than I need to know about jugular veins, groin veins, pulling lines thru my heart, aortas, deep breathing, bubbles.... Can we just get back to the 8-ball nipples again?? Good grief.

Crap.... that didn't go the way it was supposed to!

July 29, 2014  

From Mark's Post:

Ok, so I'm a little freaked out right now. Moya's new port is in fine. The old one somehow retracted back into her artery such that her surgeon is uncomfortable getting it. So, she is going to a different surgeon right now who is going to use a device that goes in from an artery in her inner thigh up through her heart and to the artery where the old port is. The device will grab it and then they can pull it out through her leg. This does not sound good to me?! They say it is routine and not to be concerned?! I have no choice but to say yes as I can't offer a better idea. Prayers please!

New Dr is a little short on personality but I think he is in a hurry to start so I'm way good with that. Moya is awake but making little sense. She knows she is going into another procedure, but doesn't really understand it. Bragging that she "peed in a pan and that the nurse who helped her should get a raise". Dr said he can't guarantee he can get it out, but is confident he can. Said she'll need 4 hrs recovery time and her leg will be sore. If he can't, I think that means a big surgery which I don't want to think about yet. His gripe is there are now two devices poking through her artery. He has to make sure to get the right one. Oh boy.

Just met with doc. Surgery was a success. Old port is out. I'm with her now. She has to stay for 4 hrs in recovery to make sure the leg artery is healed and not bleeding. They ended up having to go in thru the vein in her jugular (neck) as well then pull it out thru her femoral vein (groin). We can breath a bit easier now. Whew! Thank you God!

Surgery #3 - Time for some fun!

July 29, 2014  

Surgery surgery and more freaking surgery.... I think I've paid every hospital in Columbia's electric bill twice over this year.
Now let's move this silly port and get on with it.

But first............. Heh heh heh — with Mark Brown at Boone Hospital Center.

Narcotics, Ellen and more Surgery...

July 26, 2014  

So what's up these days?

1. I'm still not back to work. I was supposed to go back on the 21st. Then felt like that was a little over zealous so I changed it to the 28th. Then my husband, parents and boss weren't comfortable with me traveling to Madison for a meeting (that I was REALLY looking forward to going to!!!!!) so now I can't come back to work until August 4th.

2. I'm on a shit load of narcotics so I can't drive.

3. I love Ellen. I would love to go see Ellen in person (obviously I've watched a LOT of Ellen during my weeks off of work)

4. My boobs are the weirdest looking things I've ever seen! These expanders are soooo odd. Even more odd when they're not fully filled. Picture a plastic bouncy ball all deflated and stuck in your chest, slowly getting filled with saline. So bizarre. Oh and I feel like I'm engorged all the time. Anyone have a breast pump handy??

5. Yes, I DID put two sticky notes on my boobs right before they knocked me out for surgery. Left boob said "Dear Dr. Suppes... Go get that lumpy sonofabitch! Warn regards, Moya.
Right boob said "Dear Dr. Puckett... I do NOT want Double Ds despite what my husband might tell you after I'm knocked out cold. Your friend, Moya"
I really felt like I needed the very last word on this one!

6. "Fills" are weird, too. And a bit awkward. Picture this.... I'm laying on a table, gown open in front, exposing my deformed, weird looking deflated bouncy balls with just two bumps and a scar across each side, my older and somewhat serious surgeon on one side, a younger somewhat serious resident on the other side (must have read from the same book they studied in surgical school), an older nurse and my husband all in the same SMALL exam room staring at the bumps on my chest with no nipples. Awkward. So... I try to lighten the mood and say, "Hey... So you know what's funny? I'm really cold right now and you'd never even know it."
Okay, so Mark laughed and said the old surgeon chuckled a little, but geez... Tough crowd.

7. I don't remember the first week after surgery?! Apparently I saw a few friends but had to get the low down from Mark. Drugs are so weird!!

8. I have to wear this really awful ugly bra for six weeks. However, I'm starting to actually fill it out! That's a first! And apparently at the hospital, I told my nurse I wear a size 38A. Is there even such a thing? Again.... Drugs.

9. Apparently nobody (surgeons and oncologist) likes that my port (where they put my chemo in) is about to pop out of my skin. So this Tuesday the 29th I get more surgery to have it moved up. Hey, what's one more... Kinda starting to like it in a sick sorta way.

10. I love my family, my friends, my doctors, my nurses and Ellen. Oh, and my eyebrows are starting to grow back


Port Popper

July 25, 2014  

SO.... It appears that surgeons and oncologists don't like when your port (for chemo) looks like it's going to pop out of your skin because the Tata expansion is pushing it out. I guess you won't have a hard time finding it from now on, Nurse Daniel Yung!

Surgery on Tuesday to move it on up!

Friday, August 22, 2014


July 23, 2014  

That's shampoo... On my head... That has HAIR on it! I even used some conditioner with a side of giggles and a huge smile :')

Pump it baby!

July 22, 2014  

Pump up the jam, pump it up, while your feet are stompin' and the jam is pumpin'... I mean my boobs. Stitches out, saline in.... Valium swallowed. Holy crap I feel like an old 80's Reebok shoe.
— with Mark Brown at University Hospital.

BTW, those were my fists.... I couldn't believe how many people thought they were my implants!

And the verdict is in....

July 10, 2014 

1. Final Pathology = NED! (No Evidence of Disease)
2. I have new boobs! (semi-deflated weird looking ones from the expanders, but still...). Rotten tatas OUT.
3. My head is starting to look like a chia pet (yay, hair!)
4. Cancer Free! Wahoo!
5. I'm not allowed to shower for 3 weeks, so I wouldn't advise hugging me.
6. Markie, my mom & dad (Sam), my sis-in-law (Nancy) and my friends are all evidence that God is great.

Lil Snuggle Bug

July 9, 2014 

His instructions were that he could lay near mommy but not very close because of the surgery. He's my snuggler.


Bedroom Elves...

July 8, 2014 

Words can't begin to describe the awesome surprise my secret bedroom elves did for me while I was in the hospital! We definitely needed the bedroom makeover and what a way to come home. 
Thank you so much, Crystal Umfress, Elly Yarbrough Barton, Danette Robb, Julie Penner, Claudia Olivia Bach, Nicole Atchison Wallace, Kalene Wyatt Aslanidis, Sheila Evans Walls, Joanne Williams, Jennifer-Rhyne Moylan, Bernadette Roberts, Jonna Barrack and Monique DeLaTorre! I love my super soft bedding so much that I haven't gotten out of it in 5 days!
And for the record, the picture does no justice to everything they did in my room!  From the carpet, to the bedding, to the decorations, to the lamps... incredible!!

Game on!

July 2, 2014 

Bring on the new hardware!
If I wake up with Double Ds, Mark Brown is in soooo much trouble.
— with Mark Brown at University of Missouri Women's and Children's Hospital.
Mark's Facebook Posts while I was in surgery:

Well, I'm the designated reporter today to keep "Moya Nation" abreast (bha-dum-bum-pssssh) of how she is doing. I'll post now and again as things happen.

She is checked in and getting prepped for surgery right now.

It is surreal that she has already made it to this point in her cancer battle. In typical Moya fashion, she was whistling this morning and even told me "I really thought the chemo phase would have been worse." I looked at her with a bewildered expression, and asked if she had already forgotten the last 5 months and how bad it sucked for her at times!? She said, "No, It's just that I thought I'd be in the toilet puking my brains out all the time, and it wasn't THAT bad!" Believe me, that is ab extremely positive outlook at what she's been through and continues to go through. The girl just sees the world at its best. Always has.

I know there are a ton of people out there thinking and praying for Moya today, so I asked her if she could feel that? She said, "I think so, but I wish they'd be praying for my doctors! All I gotta do is take a nap!" Lol!! She cracks me up!! Stay tuned folks...
They just wheeled her back about 10 min ago. She is gonna be sleeping soon if not already. Met with both surgeons. They drew scribbles all over her. I think it's a cut on the lines kinda thing. My cousin Taylor once had a surgery and asked to see the surgeons, ask them how they are feeling, and he looked at their hands to see if they were steady. Well Taylor, they were both in high spirits, and the first joked that he quit drinking at 2am. So he should be pretty good by the time it's his turn. kidding of course. Seriously, I am in awe by these people. I get up, eat breakfast, and go sit behind a computer for the day. They start the same, then go open peoples bodies, fix them, close them up, then go home. Wow!!! I'm glad they make bank! They are superstars! Stay tuned!
Geesh, that was fast! Er.. Not insinuating anything Moya First surgeon is done. She does not have cancer anymore! Hallelujah! Surgeon said she saw no apparent sign of the tumor existing anymore. That is a sign that the chemo did it's job. She is still opened up and the next surgeon has tagged in to start reconstruction. This is going fast! Stay tuned...
She is done with reconstruction and is now in recovery. Her 2nd surgeon was happy with how things went as well. Said "she'll be a sore puppy" tonight and for a few days. She'll be overnight at the hospital tonight and possibly tomorrow night depending on how she feels/pain. Doc felt she'd tolerate pain well given that he is getting to know her and her spirit. I didn't know this, but right before surgery Moya put two sticky notes on her chest. One for each surgeon. They were both cracked up about it! Especially the 2nd one who had a belly laugh when telling me a couple minutes ago what it said. Something like "dear Dr. Puckett, I want full B/small C. Not DD despite anything my husband says while I'm sleeping". Lmao! Dang, she's good!   

The call before surgery...

July 1, 2014 

Pre-admissions for surgery call went something like this:

"Make sure you bring a valid ID and insurance card with you tomorrow morning, no eating or drinking after midnight, no jewelry, no lotion, no perfume, no nail polish or makeup, no......."

WAIT, WHAT?! No makeup?! Shit a brick.

Eyebrows, Eyelashes... who needs em'

June 30, 2014 

Once upon a time, a girl had eyebrows. Then she didn't.
The End.

Joe Kelly Game Day!

June 20, 2014 

Okay, so it's game day and it seems our Twitter / Instagram / Facebook attempts to meet St. Louis Cardinals Pitcher, Joe Kelly, has failed.

Until......  My friend Beth (remember, she's the one in love with Mr. Kelly himself) and I were at the AT&T Rooftop bar having a few drinks before the game and I look down at my phone and see some missed calls and a text.  My friend, Mike Moylan (who is a Twitter GURU), tells me to check my Twitter.  Keep in mind... I'm still just a Facebooker.  I'm a complete Twidiot.  So I look.... Joe Kelly is tweeting us to come down to the dugout to say "Hi".  I show my friend and she practically yanks my poor cancer body and painted head out the door to the dugout.

We reach the section where the dugout is and have to clear the ushers.  At first, we tried to convince the nice older lady that Joe Kelly wanted us down there.  I mean, he tweeted us and all.... She literally couldn't give a rip.  Beth even played the cancer card for me HARD. Hard enough that the other usher, a very nice older gentleman agreed to escort us down to the dugout.  Beth was about to pass out with excitement.

We get down there and he yells, "Hey, is Joe Kelly down there?" into the dugout. 

Then he comes out.  He sees us and nods!  Well, of course he does.... he recognizes the two stalkers from his Twitter account that my good friend Mike started a week ago!  

What a great day and a great guy.  Coincidentally, there was an AP photographer there who happened to also snap a picture of us and it made several websites and newspapers.  The funny part of it all was... Beth got cut out of the pic for the paper haha 


This one made the papers and internet articles!

Selfie... DUH!

Genetic Testing

June 12, 2014 

YAY!!! Genetic testing results came in. Negative for 18 genes tested including BRCA1 and BRCA2 (think Angelina Jolie). Whew, small victory for now!

Next step is to wait for the final pathology on the naughty lump they will take out with the mastectomy on July 2nd. Fingers crossed for no cancer cells in it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What's a Girl Gotta Do to Meet a Cardinal or Two??

June 8, 2014 

My friend Beth Bowman Bates LOVES Joe Kelly. 
My kid Jacob LOVES Yadier Molina
I have a cold bald cancer head. 
My husband Mark Brown has face paint and is a great artist. We'll be at the game in the At&T Rooftop At Ballpark Village at Busch Stadium on June 20th to watch the St. Louis Cardinals kick some Phillies butt. 
How can we make this work........... *think... *think...  

St. Louis Cardinals Gameday Nation Yadier Molina Fanpage Yadier Molina Yadier Molina #4 Yadier Molina Fan Page I love Yadier Molina

Ha! I don't even really understand hashtags??!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Numero Seis!

June 3, 2014 

6th and final big treatment!  Got my certificate - Whew!  On to the next phase.... :)

Two Eggs, Over-Medium, please....

June 3, 2014 

As I sit here eating breakfast with my awesome husband and prepping for my last big chemo treatment today, I can't help but see my future on my plate. Strangely, I'm also picturing 8-balls right smack in the middle of them. 

And (insert sarcasm) I am especially looking forward to telling my oncologist that I have a mole I would like to have her check out.... On my ass crack.

Indian Hair Club for Men

June 1, 2014 

Benjie and I were so honored to be inducted into the Indian Hair Club for Men. Thanks, guys! #thatsalotofskin — with Benjie Lewis, Ravi Kandala and Chev



May 24, 2014 
Two of my five biggest supporters!